True Turnkey Services

True Turnkey Services

IshMedia Digital turnkey services offer a unique combination of strategic,
creative, and technical knowledge that provides lasting value from the start
of your engagement.

IshMedia Digital turnkey services offer a
unique combination of strategic,
creative, and technical knowledge
that provides lasting value from the start
of your engagement.

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Pay-Per-Click Marketing

Pay-Per-Click Marketing

Google pay-per-click (PPC) marketing can be a quick and cost-effective way
to reach a new qualified pool of prospects.

Google pay-per-click (PPC) marketing
can be a quick and cost-effective way
to reach a new qualified pool of prospects.

Purchase Now!

Purchase Now!

Boost Your Site Today!

Boost Your Site Today!

We will execute a social media marketing campaign with a clear
goal and a strategic plan of attack.

We will execute a social media marketing
campaign with a clear goal and a
strategic plan of attack.

Purchase Now!

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Why we are one of the most effective SEO agencies in the Digital Market.

Web Analytics

Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of web data for purposes of under standing and optimizing web usage.

Keyword Targeting

Keywords are the search terms that people into search engines. Your rankings are based on the relevance of your page to those keywords.

Creative Work

As a creative professional, you’ll know only too well how important inspiration is for your work. That’s whether you’ve just made a cup.

Check Your Website’s SEO Score For Free!

Provide us with the following information and we'll email you the SEO score of your website

    What Is SEO?

    SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is the process of getting traffic from the free, organic, editorial or natural search results on search engines. Smply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make it.

    Customer Satisfaction
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    Our Pricing Plans

    Choose from our most affordable pricing plans
    $39 /month
    5 Campaigns
    300 Keyword Rankings
    250,000 Crawled Pages
    1,000 Keyword Reports
    $59 /month
    10 Campaigns
    750 Keyword Rankings
    500,000 Crawled Pages
    5,000 Keyword Reports
    Email Support
    $99 /month
    25 Campaigns
    1,900 Keyword Rankings
    1,250,000 Crawled Pages
    15,000 Keyword Reports
    Email Support
    Live chat Support

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    Latest Blogs

    Read our blog posts to get more resources about SEO & digital marketing

    How To Leverage Contests To Generate Thousands of Leads

    Dimply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has…
    16 Mar, 2017

    How To Do Market Research For SEO Using Analytics

    Dimply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has…
    14 Mar, 2017

    Manual Penalty Recovery of a Site Without Losing SEO

    Dimply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has…
    09 Mar, 2017

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